New report from the hub: Emergency measures needed


The EU Rights and Brexit Hub have released a new report today on the emergency measures that are required to ensure that many EU nationals are not wrongfully exposed to the hostile environment. The deadline for applications to the EU Settlement Scheme (30th June 2021) is imminent.

This report covers some of the key risks that the deadline for applying to the EUSS scheme poses for EEA+ nationals:

  1. Reaching EEA+ nationals who have not yet applied to the scheme

  2. Protecting late applicants: introducing a substantive scheme and addressing the gaps in the guidance

  3. Avoiding the status gap after the 30th June 2021

  4. Avoiding unnecessary EUSS delays that push applicants past the deadline

  5. Ensuring consistency in decision making for late applications


Full report.pdf

Full report word.docx

Report summary.pdf

Report summary (accessible).docx

Read our blog post on the report: Tripwires and timebombs: unnecessary hazards in the plans for dealing with EUSS applications after the deadline


New Report: Local Authority Delivery of the EU Settlement Scheme


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