Hub evidence informs letter to London Mayor on EU Citizens rights


Evidence provided by Hub investigators Charlotte O’Brien and Alice Welsh has informed a letter from the EU Exit Working Group to the London Mayor Sadiq Khan on EU Citizens rights.

The letter to the Mayor addresses concerns about the imminent deadline (30th June 2021) for applications to the EU Settlement Scheme and uses evidence provided to the EU Exit Working Group during an evidence session on 26th January 2021 and follow-up written submission. The letter highlights particular concerns that hard to reach and vulnerable groups of EU citizens missing the deadline, concerns that those with permanent residence will not be aware of their need to apply and a lack of clarity about how late applications will be dealt with including what will be considered a ‘good reason’ for a late application. The letter also covers some of the early evidence collected through our free second-tier advice clinic about the confusion of decision makers about the rights of those with pre-settled status and the heightened risk of discrimination.

This letter has been picked up by the Metro who published an article on 16th February 2021 highlighting the risk of EU citizens losing their right to reside in the UK because of the cliff edge deadline.

Read the London Assembly letter to Mayor on EU citizens.

Read the London Assembly Press Release.

Read the Metro article ‘‘Tens of thousands’ of EU citizens still at risk of becoming illegal migrants’.


New report from the hub: Emergency measures needed


Investigators from the Hub give evidence to the London Assembly EU Exit Working Group